Monday 29 April 2013

Words of Support for Collins’s Revelation

The public response from Monday to declare Jason Collins that he was gay overwhelmingly supportive, at least among other professional athletes.
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Jim Young / Reuters
Jason Collins, left, 98, during a game against the Chicago Bulls this month.

N.B.A. Active first player says he is gay

With the words' I'm gay, "a NBA center breaking the barrier (30 April 2013)

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Collins was the publication of an article, which came as the first player in American sports league, while still pursuing his career, online through Sports Illustrated on Monday morning. It accelerated دافقة the pro comments on websites and social media by his fellow NBA players and former professional athletes and President Obama, among countless others.

Current players deployment in support of Collins, including San Antonio, Tony Parker, Steve Nash of the Los Angeles Lakers and New York Knicks guard Jason Kidd, former teammate Collins when both played for the Nets.

He added that the hash "do not suffocate who ur due to the ignorance of others courage" and "support."

There was a lot of discussion about how it will be received such an announcement on the professional sports arena, and it remains to be seen how it will be dealt with Collins (34 years) when he steps on the court for the first time since the exit. He said he will be free on July 1.

Been re-posted a Twitter message Bryant more than 20,000 times in an hour after the office, with some reminded him that he once raised in the controversy, and received a fine of $ 100,000, to guide and antigay slander in government who had called him for a technical foul. Since that incident, Bryant expressed his support for the gay community.

Outside of the NBA, has published encouragement on Twitter by President Obama and Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton, Martina Navratilova, Spike Lee, Michael Strahan and others.

Michelle Obama wrote on Twitter: "very proud of you, Jason Collins! This is a huge step forward for our country. We've got your back! Mo"

Took athletes from other sports also to Twitter to support Collins, including retired tennis star Andy Roddick and Hall of Fame running back Barry Sanders. Chris Kluwe and Brendon Ayanbadejo, two NFL Players who openly supported gay issues, and sent messages of support.

Robbie Rogers, American football player who recently came as gay, and dissemination of, "I feel the next move."

Collins started the day with fewer than 4,000 Twitter followers. By midnight, he had more than 76,000.

In contrast to this support on a large scale, the face of ESPN reporter Chris بروسارد criticized for remarks made by calling homosexuality "a sin" on "outside the lines" network program.

بروسارد took issue with Collins described himself as a Christian because he was "living in sin publicly unrepentant."

He added: "I think this is a walk in open rebellion to God and to Jesus Christ. Not even describe that person as a Christian because I do not think that being a Christian Bible."

Monday evening, ESPN released a statement on Feedback بروسارد for. "We regret to discuss respect and personal views have become a distraction from the news today," it said. "ESPN is fully committed to diversity and welcomes the announcement Jason Collins.", such as other sites on the Internet, sports, and received a large number of unusually of readers' comments on stories about the announcement Collins. On, many of the comments were highly critical of Collins, and included some gay slurs.

"We are reviewing the comments, the weakness of those that cross the line and handling in accordance with our policies," said spokesman David Scott ESPN.

Said Chris Stone, managing editor of Sports Illustrated, the magazine had prepared for the inflammatory comments to be posted on its Web site as soon as the publication of an article Collins.

"We've been very careful about comments on our bosses because he did not get a little bit of hand very quickly," said Stone, adding that the comments were largely positive.

"When we look at the overall response, and I see a message from the overwhelming support and admiration," he said.

One came from a small number of negative public comments from Pro athlete from Miami Dolphins wide receiver Mike Wallace, who wrote on Twitter, "All these beautiful women in the world and you guys want to mess with the rest of the players."

Wallace followed with the argument posting that he was not bashing anyone, but did not understand homosexuality. He said that in the end both delete messages and publish a clarification last in which he apologized for hurting people.

Negative reaction among the rare NBA Players came from David West, the Indiana Pacers, who took issue with Collins enter the race as part of the story. Chose to not put when pressed by his followers.

One of the strongest messages of support between Active NBA came to players from Kenneth I want from the Denver Nuggets, who wrote: "Wow this is amazing all smiles. Came very happy Jason Collins out and announce that he was openly gay here all the support" .

Spoke Jerry Stackhouse, a guard for the Nets and his former Collins, told reporters before a playoff game his team in Brooklyn on Monday night and said that Collins told him that "I'm probably on the verge of becoming one of the most popular or unpopular men in the next few days."

"We have certainly become popular," said Stackhouse.

Stackhouse added: "I do not think he crossed the line in any way.'m Going to support him 100 percent and will encourage other players to support it."

miles away, in the Bronx, in the context of the game of baseball, echoed the sentiment Stackhouse by Yankees pitcher CC Sabathia.

"Good for him," said Sabathia of Collins. "You can be honest and not have to live a lie."

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